How can power flushing improve my central heating system performance?

How can power flushing improve my central heating system performance?

How can power flushing improve my central heating system performance? Power flushing offers a solution to clearing out radiators, boilers and heating systems which are not performing well due to a silt or debris build up. Power flushing forcibly clears the system using high velocity water at a low pressure. This allows for effective cleaning without causing damage to the system. Additional cleaning agents or chemicals can be added to improve the results. What are the signs that my central…

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Essential Tips for Avoiding Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Essential Tips for Avoiding Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

How can you spot the symptoms carbon monoxide poisoning? Carbon monoxide (CO) is produced when your supply of Liquid Petroleum gas (LPG) fails to ignite properly. Carbon monoxide leakage occurs when gas appliances are badly fitted or not maintained. Carbon monoxide causes serious long term damage to your health or even death if you are exposed. The safest way to prevent poisoning is by installing a carbon monoxide alarm. Remember, carbon monoxide is odourless and can go undetected for a…

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Removing an Airlock from a Central Heating System

Removing an Airlock from a Central Heating System

Plumbing Advice Removing an Airlock from a Central Heating System If you discover that you have an air lock within your central heating system there are a number of methods that you can try before contacting a professional plumber. If you are able to remove the air lock yourself you can save the cost of calling a plumber out to fix the problem. How Can I tell if there is an Air Lock in my Central Heating? An air lock…

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How does a Sanifo Macerating Toilet System Work

How does a Sanifo Macerating Toilet System Work

How does a Sanifo Macerating Toilet System Work Installing a Saniflo macerating toilet system is usually required in bathroom installations where it is not cost effective or impossible to install the conventional plumbing fixtures to transport waste materials to a below-the-floor drainage system. Saniflo products can be used for toilet, bathtub and sink basins located in domestic additional bathrooms or in the commercial environment such as in schools, offices, restaurants and retail stores.

Essential Plumbing Tips for your Home: Part 3

Essential Plumbing Tips for your Home: Part 3

Essential Plumbing Tips for your Home: Part 3 Preventing Pipe Freezing When the water in your plumbing freezes, it will expand putting pressure on the pipes. If the water expands enough, it can cause the pipe to burst causing flooding in the home or putting your company out of business until it is fixed. You can avoid your pipes from freezing by using pipe insulating foam or electrical pipe insulation. You should especially protect pipes which are exposed to the…

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What is the Greenest way to heat your home? Part 2: Biomass Boilers

What is the Greenest way to heat your home? Part 2: Biomass Boilers

Energy Efficient and Renewable Heating What is the Greenest way to heat your home? Part 2: biomass boilers If you are considering installing a biomass boiler for your home or business, Ethical Consumer has compiled a guide to the most environmentally friendly biomass companies in the UK. How much can you save by installing a Biomass Boiler? Replacing your existing heating system with a Biomass boiler is most cost effective if you are replacing electric or a solid fuel heating….

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Surviving Winter with these Plumbing Tips

Surviving Winter with these Plumbing Tips

What to do if you experience plumbing problems during winter When the weather is cold outside the last thing that your household wants to experience is problems with your central heating and plumbing. During the winter months there are a number of problems which can effect your plumbing and heating. You may notice that your radiators stop working correctly or that there is a drop in water pressure caused by frozen pipes. This guide offers a number of actions which…

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Plumbing Services: Tap Repairs

Plumbing Services: Tap Repairs

Plumbing Services in Lancashire: Tap Repairs How to repair a dripping or leaking tap If you have ever experienced a leaking or dripping tap, you will understand how much of a nuisance it can be. Rather than letting it drip away wasting your water you will either need to call a plumber to carry out a fix or learn how to solve the problem yourself.